Northern Caledonia Map

Northern Caledonia Map
Northern Caledonia Map from Justinian’s Shore

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Recovery Mode

Last August, my soulmate was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. Major surgery eliminated it in September, with no chemo or radiation needed. Sepsis came out of nowhere and almost took her in October. November, December and January were devoted to supporting her recovery from both sepsis and surgery. But, the smell of infection and spectre of death dragged forward dormant memories of the war in Sierra Leone twenty years ago in sharp, vivid details. It has taken me months to calm down and avoid the dark, deep spiral that was pulling me down and stopped me from writing. I had not written since August, until last night: the first 1200 words for my next novel. It is a break from the Beyond 1812 story I had been working on up until August. This will be the first story of a Gas Punk series about airships and ambitions. It is set in a united Roman Empire that the Emperor Justinian wants to make greater. So, once more my ongoing therapy will be to write. Let’s see if I can get this one done and published by October.

Time is Fleeting

Since my last post, I finished my fourth novel of the Roman Sky series, Justinian’s Wall. The series is now set in 6th century Caledonia, wh...